Assistance in buying a laptop or computer


Зараз випускається велика кількість різних моделей ноутбуків різних конфігурацій і виробників. Орієнтуватися у всьому цьому різноманітті непросто – багато виробників, характеристик, непідготовленому покупцеві складно знайти відмінності серед плеяди майже однакових на перший погляд описів, вибрати ноутбук за характеристиками. При виборі ноутбука ви повинні розуміти з якою метою він вам необхідний. Якщо це комп’ютер, то підбір комп’ютера починається з питання «для чого?», Що від нього хочуть? Якщо відповісти «для всього», то не вистачить грошей. Треба виділити головне і перейти до підбору основних вузлів: процесора, пам’яті, плати, відеокарти і ін. Тому краще звернутися до наших спеціалістів, які нададуть Вам допомогу у виборі ноутбука чи комп’ютера, та проконсультують у Всіх ваших питаннях при купівлі нової техніки.

A large number of different notebook models of different configurations and manufacturers are now available. It is not easy to navigate all this diversity – many manufacturers, characteristics, unprepared buyer find it difficult to find differences among a galaxy of almost identical at first glance descriptions, to choose a laptop by characteristics. Therefore, it is best to contact our specialists who will assist you in choosing a laptop or computer and will advise on all your questions. Some people think that a cheap laptop is a bad and unreliable laptop, and an expensive laptop is a good one and forever. And accordingly: the more expensive the laptop, the better. In fact, this is not true. “Expensive” may be expensive apparatus. Much depends on the manufacturer. And in the framework of one manufacturer the cost of the machine will depend only on its functionality, prestige, power. When choosing a laptop, you need to understand what purpose you need it for. By appointment of laptops and you can enter the following classification: laptop for the Internet, mail, travel, document creation; laptop for business (these are, of course, medium- and low-performance laptops with a graphics card integrated into the chipset); laptop for home (usually a universal laptop with a separate mid-range video card); gaming laptop (powerful processor and graphics card, larger screen size); a cool laptop (high-performance processor, one or two graphics cards, high-quality audio, an improved matrix). Selection of the computer begins with the question “for what?” What do they want from it? If you answer “for everything,” you will not have enough money. It is necessary to highlight the main thing and go to the selection of the main nodes: processor, memory, card, video card, etc. For the purpose of computers, you can enter the following classification: Document creation, accounting, use office applications Word, Excel, accounting, warehouse programs, browsers, etc. An office computer is suitable for this; Quiet home computer for simple games, image processing, music playback, movies (video players, Photoshop, CorelDraw, etc.); The gaming computer should also pull advanced 3D games, video editing of Pinnacle Studio, Adobe Premier, professional work with graphics, non-linear installation, computational tasks, work with databases, etc .; A cool computer solves tasks that require high-quality output of images, sound, and highest performance, designed primarily for gaming; Specialized computer for use in the programs 3DMAX, Autocad. When choosing a computer, we distinguish its main components: the housing power supply, processor, motherboard, RAM, hard disk, video card. The choice of appearance – as you like, but the power supply and the motherboard already depend on the reliability and the possibility of upgrading, it depends on the support of processors, hard disks, amount of memory, the number of additional boards placed, etc. If you have doubts about whether or not you are choosing to buy a new computer or laptop, contact us. We’ll help you choose your new computer or laptop.


iMac, iMac Pro, Mac mini, Mac Pro, MacBook, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro


Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8.1


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